Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vide cor Meum

I found her
In the slums of Bogotá
A wreck
Of unseen proportions
Spit out
By civilization

I held her
In the slums of Bogotá
A descendent
Of the chosen people
By the Diaspora

I fed her
In the slums of Bogotá
A shadow
Of long forgotten times
By her beauty


I took her
From the slums of Bogotá
To a place of light
A dangerous and risky place
A safe place
That Place

She finds me
In the gardens of That Place
When my darkness
Turns to black
Captured in unbearable shades
Of torture


She holds me
In the corridors of That Place
When immortal memories
Reopen the wounds
From a haunting past
Of violence

She feeds me
In the twilights of That Place
When my hunger for her flesh
Awakens MyEgo
In an orgiastic environment
Of lust


We go back to our past sometimes
Together now
Not alone anymore
Walking hand in hand
Down streets and alleys
On shores and battlegrounds
To taste its filth again
To inhale its grim reality and despair
To weep and comfort each other
To cherish the roots
That make us One

לראות את האור


  1. Another very personal poem, Ayesha. I envy you for the intensity with which you can relate to people and live your life. Must be painful sometimes, though. Then again, the total lack of intensity can be very painful, too.

  2. The pain u r talking about Georg, is there to dive in to, to sucked up by it, to surrender to, and to enjoy. But it's quite a journey to find that out, and to deal with same.

    Sharing pain equals sharing love.

  3. It seems that you have saved the young lady from a life of unfortunate existence. Kudos to you, and it is appropriate that you have chosen the song "To See the Light" to help illustrate your work with her.

  4. Saved her? Is that all u picked up from my poem? Tsss....tsk.
